D a y I n D a y O u t

Simply shocking, rioters inside the US Capitol building. Horrible. Trump continues to pour gasoline into the fire. His little twitter video this afternoon was not good enough.... "we love you", he said, "this election was stolen" he said, horrible. This man is so unfit for office, it's a complete disgrace  d a y   i n   d a y   o u t.


Trump's assault on democracy has now reached the floors of the Senate and the House. Reagan and Thatcher's "there is no such thing as society" is in full bloom in January 2021. 


Rioters inside the Capitol building. Another reason to impeach Trump once again. 


For Trump's silly bible-photo last summer just outside the White House the police was very very tough on peaceful protesters. Today? Ist die Justiz auf dem rechten Auge blind?